Roseville, CA info@legacypnp.ltd

We help you protect and preserve what matters most !

Legacy planning isn’t solely focused on what happens after you pass away; it also involves building and preserving your family legacy during your lifetime to support your long-term goals and objectives.

At Legacy Planning & Preservation, we provide comprehensive legacy planning services that blend expert financial solutions with dedicated genealogy and digitization efforts to help families protect and cherish their heritage for generations to come. 

Are you struggling to navigate the world of legacy planning and financial literacy?

Unlock the Path to Financial Empowerment and Family Legacy Preservation with Expert Guidance and Support.


Preserving the past & securing the future

Combining financial expertise with a deep respect for family heritage, we help you protect and preserve what matters most.
 Legacy Planning & Preservation we are here to support you in preserving your family’s past, present and future.

Modern Solutions for Timeless Memories

From fading to forever

Protect the precious moments that define your family's journey, and preserve your family's story through time.

Our Commitment

Honoring the ancestors, preserving heritage, & leaving a legacy

Legacy Building

Leave behind a legacy that will be cherished by future generations for years to come.

Heritage Preservation

Safeguarding artifacts, stories, and traditions that contribute to your family history.

Generational Wealth

From creating a budget, managing debt, saving for emergencies, to investing wisely for the future.

Streamlined Organization

Make it easier for you to navigate and locate specific memories with efficiency.

Fostering Financial Confidence

Confused to Confident

Fostering financial confidence and supporting families through free financial education seminars and workshops.

You know saving, budgeting, investing and building generational wealth is important and a big part of your legacy planning goal; but you are unsure of your options, or what to do first ? 

Maybe you have a 401K to roll over, or questions about even if you need or want a 401K and its benefits. Perhaps you want to ensure that your investments are halal according to Islamic principles. 

Our free workshops provide you with the information you need to make the right choice for your family and your legacy planning goals.

Take a look at the latests legacy planning & preservation insights and tips

Work With Us

Work With Us

Discovery Call

During the call we get clear on your goals and objectives.

Discuss Details

What options and solutions can we provide


What matches your goals, priorities and budget.

Wrap Up

You love our solution so we get get to work

Get A Quote

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Type of Service
Common Frequently Asked Questions

Some Important FAQ's

How much are your services ?

A: Our services are designed to be accessible to individuals with varying budgets. We offer flexible pricing options and customizable packages to suit your financial needs while ensuring high-quality results.

What is the process ?

A: The process of working together begins with a discovery call. We get to know you and your goals. Then we put together a proposal, get your approval, provide a quote and get to work right away.

Do you have more information; I am confused or still on the fence.

A: We sure do! One of our objectives is to provide education on the importance of heritage preservation and legacy planning. We have a library full of tools and resources available to you.

How can I ensure that my family's sensitive information remains secure?

A: We prioritize data security and employ industry-standard encryption protocols to safeguard your information. Additionally, we offer secure storage options and adhere to strict privacy policies to protect your confidentiality.

I'm worried about the time it will take to digitize and organize my family records. Will it be a lengthy process?

A: We understand that time is valuable, which is why we strive to make the process as efficient and convenient as possible for our clients. Our team handles the bulk of the work, allowing you to focus on other priorities while we preserve your family history.

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to navigate digital archives and access my family records easily?

A: Our user-friendly platforms and intuitive interfaces are designed with simplicity in mind. We provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure that you feel confident and comfortable using our digital tools.

How much are the financial education workshops ?

The financial education workshops are free. We just ask that you come ready to learn, to take notes and give us feedback on how we did.

Why do I need legacy planning? I already have a will

Legacy planning goes beyond just having a will. It encompasses various aspects such as estate planning, financial planning, and preserving your family's heritage and values. By working with a legacy planner, you can ensure that your wishes are carried out effectively and that your loved ones are provided for according to your long-term goals and objectives.

What happens if my financial situation changes after we've completed the legacy planning process?

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances can change over time. That's why legacy planning is an ongoing process rather than a one-time event. As your legacy planner, We will regularly review and update your plan to accommodate any changes in your financial situation, family dynamics, or estate planning laws. Our goal is to ensure that your legacy plan remains flexible and responsive to your evolving needs and priorities.

Are the financial education workshop in person or online ?

We offer both. We know that family time is important and people have busy lives. Our workshops are online, or at various locations in the Sacramento area.