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Requirements for Sierra Leone Citizenship

The Sierra Leone Government has created an opportunity for Sierra Leonean citizenship for Americans of African descent, that have traced their DNA Heritage to Sierra Leone exclusively with African Ancestry. The following are the requirements shared by the Monuments and Relics Sierra Leone that I personally went through to obtain my citizenship in April 2022. As guidelines are changed or updated. I will also update them here. 

All applicants for African diaspora accession of citizenship MUST go through a certified local tour operator in Sierra Leone. A list of the certified Tour Operators is displayed here.

1. A Letter of Request should be addressed to the Government of Sierra Leone through the Monuments and Relics Commission indicating an intent on the subject matter. The letter should include your full name as indicated on your passport, current street address, phone number, and e-mail address.

2. Proof of descent to Sierra Leone should be done to prove either Maternal or Paternal lineage. (please note that this should be done from either African Ancestry Inc.- africanancestry.com- or any other DNA company that explicitly states maternal or paternal lineage.) A copy of the result kit report and certificate of ancestry must be submitted.

3. Live birth certificate and proof of a change of name on live birth certificate where applicable.

4. Biodata page of present citizenship passport.

5. References (at least 2): Each applicant must submit a notarized reference letter from a person of high reputation from their Stare of Residence. (EG: Personal Lawyers, Primary Care Physician, Banker, Employer or Educational Institution).

6. Each applicant MUST submit a Certified State and Federal Police Report. The government will do a thorough background check of all applicants.

7. The government will also check the authenticity of the African Ancestry, Inc. Certificate or any other certificate submitted.

8. It is mandatory for all applicants to be in Sierra Leone at least 5 days before the slated date for citizenship conferment for fingerprinting, immigration interviews, and other administrative processes. Applicants are also mandated to attend a 2-3 day Heritage/ Civic Education and Business/ Investment Workshop.

9. With the above cleared, a request will be made by the Monuments and Relics Commission to the Immigration department for onward passport processing via the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs.

10. Conferment would be done in April and November of each year.

11. An Oath of allegiance to the country would be done in front of the President during the conferment ceremony.

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