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Sierra Leone Grants Citizenship to African Americans


You want to go to get citizenship in Sierra Leone, you have a ton of questions and not sure where to begin! Peace and blessings Beloved, I am your sis Aisha Abdul Rahman. I obtained dual citizenship through DNA proof of my ancestral connection to the Mende and Temne people in Sierra Leone.

In this series of videos’s, I take you with me, LIVE; real-time of what that experience was like. The day-to-day, the paperwork, the entire process as well as my reflections on the trip.

When I took my trip to Sierra Leone I knew that I wanted to document the process and the experience as much as possible. During my research there was little to nothing on the process or experience. I also knew it was important to really be present and enjoy the experience. At times it was challenging to balance the two. Often times I just had to put my camera down and just be in the moment.

Even if you have been to another country on the continent of Africa, there is no experience, like that of going to your ancestral home. This trip has changed so many areas of my life, my goals and the legacy I strive to live and leave.